Introduction of .Net Framework

.Net Framework is an internal windows component that consist of a Virtual Execution System called Common Language Runtime (CLR) and a set of Class Libraries that supports the execution of applications created by various programming languages.

.Net Framework is used to bridge the gap between appplications created in different languages and provide interoperability between them.

.Net Framework consist of Classes, Interfaces and Value types that help in speeding up the development process and provide access to system functionality.

.Net framework consist a Virtual Execution System that is Common Language Runtime , provides functionalities such as Memory Management , Exception Handling, Debugging, Security, Thread Execution , Code Execution, Code safety , Verification and Compilation.

The CLR automatically releases the resources when they are no longer in use. This Automatic Memory Management resolves the issue of memory leaks and invalid memory references.

.NET Framework provides easy deployement of applications. It provides the deployement of application in the form of Assemblies so that registry entries are not required to store information about components and applications.

Components of .Net Framework

.Net Framework has many components that are listed below :-

  • Common Language Runtime CLR
  • Framework Base Class Library
  • Windows Forms
  • Console Application
  • ADO.Net that stands for Activex Data Objects for .Net
  • .Net Framework Class Library
  • Common Language Specification that is CLS
  • Common Type System that is CTS
  • Dot Net Languages
  • Windows Workflow Foundation that is WF
  • Windows Presentation Foundation that is WPF
  • Windows Communication Foundations that is WCF
  • Language Integrated Query that is LINQ
  • Entity Framework and Data Services
  • New Compilers for VB,C# and C++

Benefits of .Net Framework

  • Consistent Programming Model
  • Cross Platform Support
  • Language Interoperability
  • Automatic Management of Resources
  • Ease of Deployement
  • Support for Dynamic Data Types
  • Improved Integrated Debugger
  • Access to Office InterOp objects
  • Named and Optional arguments.

Evaluation of .Net

  • The first version of .NET is released with the name of .NET Framework 1.0 on Feb 13,2002 along with Visual Studio .NET 2002 IDE.
  • The Second version of .NET is released with the name of .NET Framework 1.1 with Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDE.
  • The Third version of .NET is released with the name of .NET Framework 2.0 with Visual Studio .NET 2005 IDE.
  • The Fourth version of .NET is released with the name of .NET Framework 3.0 with Visual Studio .NET 2006 IDE.
  • The Fifth version of .NET is released with the name of .NET Framework 3.5 with Visual Studio .NET 2007 IDE.
  • The Sixth version of .NET is released with the name of .NET Framework 4.0 with Visual Studio .NET 2010 IDE.

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About the Author
Sudheer Singh Chouhan is a Software Engineer having Expertise in Development Design and Architecting the applications , Project Management , Designing Large Scale Databases in SQL Server since last 17 Years.
Skill Sets :- Microsoft .NET technologies like ASP.Net Core, Web API, LINQ, Web Forms, WinForms, SQL Server, EntityFramework, Design Patterns, Solid Principles, Microservices, AWS Cloud.